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Say I Do to a New You

Say I Do to a New You

Izzy Turner-Hicks Updated:
8th of March 2023

We know every couple wants to look and feel great on their wedding day, and we've been chatting to Ann's Designer Cakes about their newest venture. 

Every wedding is unique and every couple is unique. As the countdown to the big day begins, some couples have everything seamlessly planned to the button, whilst others are frantically winging it trying to tick everything off their endless ‘to-do’ lists. But there is one thing that most couples seem to all have in common and that is finding the time to look after themselves in the lead up to their wedding day.

Amongst all the pressure, the planning, and the celebrations, there just isn’t time left to focus on your own health and wellbeing. This is why Ann’s Designer Cakes are now working with Forever Living and offering their clients the opportunity to give their bodies and minds a healthy boost before walking down the aisle to say those all important ‘I Do’s!’

The C9 Programme

The C9 Programme is a calorie-controlled diet and exercise programme that's designed to help you detox your body and meet your lifestyle goals. It starts with the Forever Fit C9 Programme that aims to prepare your body and adjust your mindset towards better diet and fitness habits.

It is a nutritionally-balanced programme that is formed around Forever Living UK’s bestselling Aloe Vera Gel and in just nine days following the plan, it’s set to make you not only look but feel completely recharged and cleansed from the inside out - exactly what every couple would hope for before their wedding day.

If you'd like to find out more and benefit from the special January discounts, contact Ann by email at, or head over to Ann's Designer Cakes today! 

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Izzy Turner-Hicks

About the author

Izzy Turner-Hicks

Izzy has been writing about weddings for nearly 10 years, she is an expert in all things bridal. She is an expert when it comes to preparing for your wedding health and fitness regime.

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