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Why it's Important to Audit your Social Media

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Why it's Important to Audit your Social Media

Nikita Thorne
Nikita Thorne Updated:
8th of March 2023

All too often, many businesses tend to go for a last-minute approach with their social media and strategy. When it comes to using these tools to your advantage, this approach never works. While reactive marketing on social media can be an important element to include in your strategy, relying on your ability to post as and when you can is not going to help you improve your reach or engagement. Nor is building a strategy without digging into what is doing well, what needs improvement, and what your goals are. This is where a social media audit comes in.

What is a social media audit?

A social media audit is a process undertaken to review your social media performance. Within the audit, you assess your growth based on key performance indicators, opportunities you have taken (and missed), assessing the value of the work you put in and what can be done to improve it.

business man checking his social media stats

Why is completing a social media audit so important?

Social media audits are central to creating a fabulous, goal-reaching social strategy. They identify your previous strategy’s weaknesses, strengths, content gaps and can help you to assess your overall performance.

At a glance, you will be able to see:

  • What worked best for each social platform
  • What didn’t work so well
  • In which quarter or month you received the most engagement and whether this is a regular trend
  • If you have achieved your goals and if not - why?
  • New opportunities for growth
  • And much more that will help you with strategy development.

online marketing

How can Guides for Brides help me with my social media audit?

The marketing team at Guides for Brides are specialists at a number of different marketing techniques. We regularly complete audits that allow both our team and our clients to find ways in which improvements can be made and this helps to inform our marketing strategies. 

Our team can complete your social media audit on your behalf saving you time and effort.

How it works:

We will meet with you over Zoom to discuss your current strategy and get your perspective on its performance and your goals. Then, using our expertise and the information you have given us, we complete the audit. Finally, we provide you with a performance report and specially tailored guides to help you achieve the goals you discussed with us. 

From the Experts
Nikita Thorne
"My marketing agency background has prepared me to help clients with their marketing strategies; from content, to PR to social media. A social media audit is something I have regularly performed for clients. This ultimately results in a solid plan that helped those clients achieve their growth goals."
Nikita Thorne

You can get in touch with the team on 01235 770078 to discuss your needs and arrange a Zoom consultation. Alternatively, email to arrange a callback.

Nikita Thorne
About the author
Nikita Thorne
With a first-class degree under her belt and a thirst for knowledge, Nikita is a passionate writer and marketer. As the Head of Strategy at Guides for Brides, Nikita leads our specialist team of marketers and actively connects wedding industry suppliers with prospective couples through effective marketing and advertising campaigns. She is also in charge of forming meaningful partnerships with brands that can support both our couples and businesses.

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