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What's the Risk? - Making Post-Pandemic Weddings Safer

What's the Risk? - Making Post-Pandemic Weddings Safer

Alison Hargreaves Updated:
8th of March 2023

When it comes to unrestricted weddings, there will always be activities and scenarios that will increase the risk and probability of a covid outbreak. This doesn't mean you shouldn't do these activities, but you may want to consider how you can make them as safe as possible. For every high-risk activity, we recommend looking at the mitigations you can put in place to reduce that risk. 

Don't forget, the UK Weddings Taskforce has been working closely with government to produce a practical risk guide for couples and help with your Covid-19 risk mitigation decisions. You can download it here.

Wedding Risk Matrix

For their covid risk assessments, venues and wedding businesses will be evaluating the risks based on the probability of the activity causing an outbreak and how severe that outbreak would be if it were to occur. It's a simple way for you to evaluate your plans and activities as well. Watch our video below for an explanation of how it works.

Planning a Covid Safe Wedding

When planning a Covid-safe wedding, there are certain "common sense" approaches that will immediately lower the risk of the event. These include:

  • Limit the numbers on the guest list; fewer guests means lower risk.
  • Think carefully before inviting guests who might present a significant risk to others (i.e. those from areas where infection rates are high).
  • Where possible, reduce the number of different groups celebrating on multiple, consecutive days.
  • Where possible, increase the space available at the venue to allow for social distancing as much as possible.
  • Move the wedding ceremony and reception outdoors where at all possible.
  • Choose safe and reputable venue(s) and suppliers. 
Outdoor ceremony taking place for Hindu wedding

Before the Wedding

There are certain higher-risk activities that take place before the wedding day. While these generally cannot be avoided, the risks they pose can be mitigated effectively.

Hen / stag activities

  • Plan activities for at least 10+ days before the wedding. 
  • Choose lower risk activities, limit the size group and all do a lateral flow test before arrival and the day after the event.

Close contact appointments 

These include: bridal fittings / beauty appointments / hair and makeup trials etc.

  • Plan for either 10+ days before the wedding or the day before / day of the wedding.
  • Ensure those taking part in the activities do a lateral flow test before.
  • Follow all the required safety protocols and wear a face covering when possible.
  • Ensure adequate ventilation and space in the room.
Final dress fitting

Wedding rehearsal or rehearsal dinner

  • Lateral flow test before arrival.
  • Plan for the night before the wedding.
  • Follow hospitality covid-safe protocols for the meal.

On the Day 

Here are some of the most effective ways you and your guests can mitigate the risks associated with attending an event such as a wedding.

Reduce the risk from guests

  • Send the venue's covid-safe guidelines to guests in advance.
  • Set up live streaming so guests know they won't miss out if they can't be there.
  • Don't allow those that should be self-isolating to attend. 
  • See our "gold standard" safety advice below.

Getting ready

  • Arrange a well-ventilated room with plenty of space for social distancing.
  • Timetable appointments in an additional room with the hair/makeup artists so they can work safely.
Bride having make-up done

Drinks reception

  • Use hand sanitiser stations before eating or drinking.
  • Don't shake hands with other guests while eating canapes.
  • Avoid nuts or crisps in bowls left on tables.
  • Choose canapes that don't involve dips or risk of multiple guests touching food.
  • Avoid putting your glass down or ensure glasses are labeled in case you pick the wrong one up.

Seating plans

  • Seat guests with those they'll likely already be mixing with at the wedding.
  • Allow plenty of space at each table.
  • Seat the more vulnerable guests together, away from higher-risk tables.
Social distancing allowed for at tables


  • Serve plated meals rather than having buffets or grazing tables.
  • Avoid guests queuing for food.
  • Reduce the amount of items guests pass to each other by using mini / individual versions, such as individual menus, salt and pepper pots, bread baskets, butter dishes (etc).

Music and dancing

  • Submit music requests in advance or digitally rather than leaning in to speak to DJs while loud music is playing.
  • Avoid songs that encourage guests to sing along to or have physical contact with each other.
  • Increase the size of the dance floor to allow plenty of space. 
  • Ensure plenty of ventilation.
Dancing guests at wedding

Gold Standard Safety

  • Take a PCR test 72 hours before the wedding. Ideally, the entire wedding party should do the same as you'll be in close contact with each other and multiple guests and suppliers.
  • Check that your venue and on the day suppliers will take a lateral flow test on the morning of the wedding.
  • Ask every guest to do a lateral flow test on the morning of the wedding. Guests can get hold of these free here.
  • Have spare tests ready for those that haven't tested before they arrived.
  • Confirm the Covid status of every guest with a simple self-declaration form (eg. Trusted Trace).
  • Turn away guests who test positive. You can decide whether fully vaccinated guests need to be tested.
  • Ask guests to do another lateral flow test the day after the wedding.
  • Ask guests to notify the venue immediately if they test positive after the wedding so that venue staff and other guests can be more vigilant.
Bride walking down the aisle with father

Following this process will give you, your guests and your venue total peace of mind before, during and after the wedding but remember that staff and suppliers will still need to follow Covid-safe protocols throughout the event.

For our summary of the latest government guidelines for each UK nation, please visit our article: Weddings After Lockdown in 2021

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Alison Hargreaves

About the author

Alison Hargreaves

Guides for Brides founder and wedding venue expert, Alison has been advising brides and grooms for more than 30 years. She has an unrivalled knowledge of the British wedding industry and frequently appears on podcasts and expert panels. She regularly attends and speaks at international wedding conferences to keep the UK at the forefront of wedding planning trends.

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