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The Rise of the Mini Moon

Katie Updated:
23rd of February 2024

Honeymoons have been a staple in the wedding journey for a very long time, providing newlyweds with a romantic escape to kickstart their married life. However, a new trend is emerging among Gen Z couples - the rise of the "mini-moon". This growing trend is seeing more couples wait for their honeymoon rather than heading straight to the airport from their wedding venue. Instead, we are seeing the mini-moon rising in popularity and becoming the first post-wedding trip for many couples.

In early February 2024, we surveyed 2001 people about their attitudes towards honeymoons and mini-moons. This data revealed that 74% of Gen Z couples are now opting for both a mini-moon and a traditional honeymoon, signalling a shift in the way couples approach post-wedding getaways.

What is a Mini-Moon?

Newlyweds heading off on their mini moon

A mini-moon (also referred to as a micro honeymoon) is a getaway for the newlyweds that takes place after the wedding but before the main honeymoon. These trips are typically short and more budget-friendly than your typical honeymoon. Travel expert Rachel Tredwell of Tredwell Travel says mini-moons are a really cost effective option for newlyweds needing to wait for a while before their honeymoon.


From the travel expert

Mini-moons are a really cost effective choice for newlyweds. They tend to be a long weekend or five days and offer the chance to unwind whilst still giving the couple time to save before their bigger honeymoon. Spain, Greece and Italy are popular destinations, as well as Cornwall.
Headshot of travel expert, Rachel Tredwell
Rachel Tredwell, Travel and Honeymoon Expert

Mini-moons are certainly not a new concept, but we have noticed a rise in couples choosing to take advantage of this option to have a short, romantic getaway.

Why are mini-moons becoming popular?

Couple clinks glasses while on beach during mini moon

Guides for Brides' in-house wedding expert, Nikita, opted to have a mini-moon herself after her wedding in October 2023. She notes several reasons why couples will choose to have a short getaway and that some will even wait up to a year before heading off on their proper honeymoon.


From our expert

We chose to go on a mini-moon as we wanted the chance to enjoy being in our newlywed bubble and relax after all the stress of planning rather than going straight back to work the Monday after. We got married in October and were having a winter honeymoon in the following January, so weren't going to be jetting off straight away. The mini-moon allowed us to enjoy that time and relax immediately after the wedding while still giving us the honeymoon to look forward to in a few months time. Some couples wait over a year before heading off on this trip, so it just makes sense to head off for a few days of total newlywed bliss!
Nikita Thorne Guides for Brides
Nikita Thorne, Wedding Planning Expert and Newlywed

Why do newlyweds delay their honeymoon?

Heart on beach

The survey data provides insights into the various reasons couples choose to delay their honeymoon and opt to have a mini-moon in between. The most commonly cited reason, at 31%, is the preference for finding it more relaxing not to embark on the honeymoon immediately after the wedding. Financial considerations also come into play, with a quarter (24%) opting to delay for more time to save money. Another 22% were waiting to travel during the best time of the year for their chosen honeymoon destination. Additionally, 20% expressed a desire for more time to plan their honeymoon thoroughly.

Interestingly, 12% also highlighted that they'd delay their honeymoon because they want to go on a mini-moon. This demonstrating a growing desire for both a short and longer post-wedding getaway.

74% of Gen Z couples will have a mini-moon

Couple taking a selfie on a mini moon

The survey looked at data of those between 16 to 55+. Breaking down the data by age groups, the survey found that 74% of those aged 16-24 and 73% of those aged 25-34 would want to have a mini-moon along with their honeymoon.

Additionally, 51% of all respondents agree to a mini-moon depending on their budget. Only 6% of surveyed couples expressed that they wouldn't have a honeymoon at all, showing that it's still a tradition valued by all age groups.

Some, however, are still sticking to tradition, as 30% of those surveyed revealed they would set off for their honeymoon the day after their wedding if they could.

How do I choose where to go on mini-moon?

Choosing the ideal destination for your mini-moon involves considering your shared preferences as a couple, your budget, and the activities you both enjoy. Start by thinking about whether you prefer a beach retreat, a vibrant city, or a nature-filled escape. Align your choice with your budget, keeping in mind that mini moons are typically shorter and more budget-friendly than traditional honeymoons.

Check the weather and season of your preferred destination, ensuring it suits your desired activities and look for a location with a romantic ambiance, you're on a micro honeymoon after all! It's also worth considering whether to go to a place with personal meaning and sentimental value for both of you as this can make the trip more meaningful.

Finally, assess accessibility of key destinations and the travel time, remembering the you'll only be away for a short number of days. Remember you can always seek recommendations and inspiration from friends or online for potential destinations.

Will mini-moons become the norm?

The increasing popularity of mini-moons, especially among Gen Z couples, suggests a shifting trend in how couples approach post-wedding getaways. The desire for shorter breaks before the traditional honeymoon reflects a changing perspective amongst newlyweds as they plan their post-wedding trips. As more couples embrace this trend and more Gen Z couples tie the knot, we predict that the number of people heading on mini-moons will only increase.

Read About Honeymoons

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About the author


As a former Cabin Crew Member with a passion for exploration, Katie is your go-to resource for all things travel-related. Whether you're seeking honeymoon destination recommendations or planning a wedding abroad, Katie's extensive travel experiences across countries like the USA, Canada, South Africa, Singapore, Dubai, Australia, Bermuda, the Bahamas, and Europe will help you select your dream destination with ease!

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